Monday, 31 October 2011

October 31st

Great is the Lord --- Highest and Greatest

I've made it sound as though this link was my idea, sorry I stole it from Beth Croft from Youtube :P But it's still cool and it sounds quality!! (Not me, the link between songs!!) Maybe SR Band could use it?!? By the way guys, if you ever need help, you can call me you know..... don't just abandon and forget about me :'( Oh and I have just realised that it ends with a stupid frozen face again! Why does this happen to me?!

I had to put this one on because it made me laugh so much!! 


Hope you enjoyed the lovely sounding chord I made up :D

Sunday, 30 October 2011

October 30th

Sorry that their hasn't been a post in AGES, but I have actually been rushed off my feet!!

So last week I went to do mission in Cambridge with beyond belief along with about 250 other young people which was AMAZING!! I met up with my other YFCone gap year team which was lovely! 

We all got split into smaller groups to take on a certain area of service each... I got placed in the street evangelism group and I was terrified... Each day started off with worship and teaching, led by Soul Survivor and YFC, then we would have lunch and go to our placements. For the first 2 days, I was too nervous to enter into conversation that we were having with people, so I just hid at the back and I hated it because I felt so far out of my depth....

The next morning in the talk, Mike Pilavachi decided it would be good to pray for boldness in our placements to step out in faith. Because I didn't want this trip to be a waste of money, I went to the front with my friends and pretty much everyone in the whole room. I didn't really feel as though it would work as I was that apprehensive and cautious about the whole experience, but I went up anyway seeing as God was listening and all....

That day, we were walking around where we were evangelising and I spotted a team of American footballers and said 'Rugby's better', to which a man replied 'I agree!' I turned around with my team and started talking to this random guy... I found out that he had been going through a really rough time and was now homeless.... I invited him to a cafe that we held in a church in the evenings and then left him to get up to whatever he was doing...(At this point I thought, hang on, I work with homeless people back in Kingston, coincidence? I think not!!)

The afternoon drew to a close and we went on to the cafe to set up. At exactly 6.30pm when it opened in came the homeless guy I was speaking to earlier.... He sat down, I bought him a coffee and we talked for about an hour and a half about the things he was going through. About an hour in, I decided right, God needs to be introduced in this conversation, so I just casually said, 'I think God put me and you in the same place at the same time, so that I could talk to you and help you.' To which he replied 'Meh'....

I persevered with the God chat and it seemed to work....He went from not really caring to questioning everything that had happened and thinking that maybe there is something else out there.... At this point, I got out a bible that we had all been given to give someone we thought God was telling us to give it to.<-- Sorry for that sentence, it's pretty poor I know... So I gave him the bible and he seemed really touched, and couldn't say thank you enough... The evening ended and we all prayed for him. A couple of us exchanged numbers with him so we could see how he was getting on...Anyway, today I had a text from him saying: 

'Thank you so much for listening that night, I'm reading my bible right now and I;m starting to believe in myself again, I hope I can repay you one day.'

God is so good.... I feel comfortable talking to people about God and through that I have helped a guy come to learn about Jesus! 

(I think this is defo competing with the story below :P)

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

October 12th

The Best Day So Far!

I went to 'The Big Feast' again today, where we spend our afternoon feeding the homeless and generally chatting to them. We start off the event with a 'God Slot' and then go onto food... 

I was asked to do some worship for the God Slot, I was a bit apprehensive as I didn't know how they would react, most of them being non Christians, but I said yes...seeing as this is what I feel called to do. I did the first song, Arms of Grace, during the low key communion, when I'd finished they all turned round and clapped.... We then went on to sing Amazing Grace together, I wasn't expecting many people to sing, but it turned out, ALL of them began to sing there hearts out. I was amazed... A girl, came over and sat next to me, she had a beautiful voice. I dropped out the guitar a little so I could hear everyone singing... It was a very moving moment. I started crying and then everyone in the room started wiping away tears. God was really there today.

When everyone was sent away to get food, this girl thanked me for the worship and began to tell me about her life... After I had heard her story, I invited her to join 'The homeless worship band' I am starting up....She starting crying and telling me how much it meant to her that someone was actually taking an interest in her....I thought that was what God was pushing me to do, get her in the band, but I could feel he hadn't finished yet. He nudged me to ask her along to church....I was like ARGH, really?...But seeing as it was God, I said to her 'look, this might be a weird question, but I would love it if you would come along to church with me on Sunday morning' to which she replied 'I would love to'....So I'm going to get her from where she's staying on Sunday morning, taking her to church and then taking her out for a spot of lunch...

God is Amazing!!! 

Thursday, 6 October 2011

October 6th

I have decided I need a bike....why you say? Well....everyday my bus journey is always the worst part of my day! Last night the same man stood on my foot 22.....yes 22 really hurt!

That is all....

Monday, 3 October 2011

October 3rd

This week has been fab already!! On Sunday I was introduced to Sue Rinaldi, an international worship leader with tonnes of connections. She has said that if she could, she would help me organise a soul survivor celebration type worship evening for people in Kingston!! Which sounds awesome! 

I have also been given the job of teaching the homeless people on a Wednesday how to play guitar and write songs so they can express their feelings in a healthy constructive way! I have also been asked to start a youth band and give short seminars on what it is to be a worship leader! So excited! 

However I will need loads of prayer if this is all going to be a success :) Love you
